- add ttk.Menubutton vor modern Menu and automatic theme and textvariable for color on font in menu
540 lines
19 KiB
540 lines
19 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2021 rdbende <rdbende@gmail.com>
# inspired by rdbende modified azure to water by Désire Werner Menrath polunga40@unity-mail.de 2024
package require Tk 8.6
namespace eval ttk::theme::water-dark {
variable version 2.0
package provide ttk::theme::water-dark $version
ttk::style theme create water-dark -parent clam -settings {
proc load_images {imgdir} {
variable I
foreach file [glob -directory $imgdir *.png] {
set img [file tail [file rootname $file]]
set I($img) [image create photo -file $file -format png]
load_images [file join [file dirname [info script]] dark]
array set colors {
-fg "#ffffff"
-bg "#333333"
-disabledfg "#aaaaaa"
-disabledbg "#737373"
-selectfg "#ffffff"
-selectbg "#007fff"
ttk::style layout TButton {
Button.button -children {
Button.padding -children {
Button.label -side left -expand true
ttk::style layout Toolbutton {
Toolbutton.button -children {
Toolbutton.padding -children {
Toolbutton.label -side left -expand true
ttk::style layout TMenubutton {
Menubutton.button -children {
Menubutton.padding -children {
Menubutton.indicator -side right
Menubutton.label -side right -expand true
ttk::style layout TOptionMenu {
OptionMenu.button -children {
OptionMenu.padding -children {
OptionMenu.indicator -side right
OptionMenu.label -side right -expand true
ttk::style layout Accent.TButton {
AccentButton.button -children {
AccentButton.padding -children {
AccentButton.label -side left -expand true
ttk::style layout TCheckbutton {
Checkbutton.button -children {
Checkbutton.padding -children {
Checkbutton.indicator -side left
Checkbutton.label -side right -expand true
ttk::style layout Switch.TCheckbutton {
Switch.button -children {
Switch.padding -children {
Switch.indicator -side left
Switch.label -side right -expand true
ttk::style layout Toggle.TButton {
ToggleButton.button -children {
ToggleButton.padding -children {
ToggleButton.label -side left -expand true
ttk::style layout TRadiobutton {
Radiobutton.button -children {
Radiobutton.padding -children {
Radiobutton.indicator -side left
Radiobutton.label -side right -expand true
ttk::style layout Vertical.TScrollbar {
Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {
Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true
ttk::style layout Horizontal.TScrollbar {
Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ew -children {
Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true
ttk::style layout TCombobox {
Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {
Combobox.padding -expand true -sticky nswe -children {
Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe
Combobox.button -side right -sticky ns -children {
Combobox.arrow -sticky nsew
ttk::style layout TSpinbox {
Spinbox.field -sticky nsew -children {
Spinbox.padding -expand true -sticky nswe -children {
Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe
Spinbox.button -side right -sticky ns -children {
null -side right -children {
Spinbox.uparrow -side top
Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom
ttk::style layout Horizontal.TSeparator {
Horizontal.separator -sticky nswe
ttk::style layout Vertical.TSeparator {
Vertical.separator -sticky nswe
ttk::style layout Horizontal.Tick.TScale {
Horizontal.TickScale.trough -sticky ew -children {
Horizontal.TickScale.slider -sticky w
ttk::style layout Vertical.Tick.TScale {
Vertical.TickScale.trough -sticky ns -children {
Vertical.TickScale.slider -sticky n
ttk::style layout Card.TFrame {
Card.field {
Card.padding -expand 1
ttk::style layout TLabelframe {
Labelframe.border {
Labelframe.padding -expand 1 -children {
Labelframe.label -side right
ttk::style layout TNotebook.Tab {
Notebook.tab -children {
Notebook.padding -side top -children {
Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}
ttk::style layout Treeview.Item {
Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {
Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {}
Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {}
Treeitem.text -side left -sticky {}
# Elements
# Button
ttk::style configure TButton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center
ttk::style element create Button.button image \
[list $I(box-basic) \
{selected disabled} $I(box-basic) \
disabled $I(box-basic) \
pressed $I(box-basic) \
selected $I(box-basic) \
active $I(button-hover) \
focus $I(button-hover) \
] -border 4 -sticky ewns
# Toolbutton
ttk::style configure Toolbutton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -5 -anchor center
ttk::style element create Toolbutton.button image \
[list $I(empty) \
{selected disabled} $I(empty) \
disabled $I(empty) \
pressed $I(rect-basic) \
selected $I(rect-basic) \
active $I(rect-basic) \
] -border 4 -sticky ewns
# Menubutton
ttk::style configure TMenubutton -padding {8 4 4 4}
ttk::style element create Menubutton.button \
image [list $I(rect-basic) \
disabled $I(rect-basic) \
pressed $I(rect-basic) \
active $I(button-hover) \
] -border 4 -sticky ewns
ttk::style element create Menubutton.indicator \
image [list $I(down) \
active $I(down) \
pressed $I(down) \
disabled $I(down) \
] -width 15 -sticky e
# OptionMenu
ttk::style configure TOptionMenu -padding {8 4 4 4}
ttk::style element create OptionMenu.button \
image [list $I(rect-basic) \
disabled $I(rect-basic) \
pressed $I(rect-basic) \
active $I(button-hover) \
] -border 4 -sticky ewns
ttk::style element create OptionMenu.indicator \
image [list $I(down) \
active $I(down) \
pressed $I(down) \
disabled $I(down) \
] -width 15 -sticky e
# AccentButton
ttk::style configure Accent.TButton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center
ttk::style element create AccentButton.button image \
[list $I(rect-accent) \
{selected disabled} $I(rect-accent-hover) \
disabled $I(rect-accent-hover) \
pressed $I(rect-accent) \
selected $I(rect-accent) \
active $I(rect-accent-hover) \
focus $I(rect-accent-hover) \
] -border 4 -sticky ewns
# Checkbutton
ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -padding 4
ttk::style element create Checkbutton.indicator image \
[list $I(box-basic) \
{alternate disabled} $I(check-tri-basic) \
{selected disabled} $I(check-basic) \
disabled $I(box-basic) \
{pressed alternate} $I(check-tri-hover) \
{active alternate} $I(check-tri-hover) \
alternate $I(check-tri-accent) \
{pressed selected} $I(check-hover) \
{active selected} $I(check-hover) \
selected $I(check-accent) \
{pressed !selected} $I(rect-hover) \
active $I(box-hover) \
] -width 26 -sticky w
# Switch
ttk::style element create Switch.indicator image \
[list $I(off-basic) \
{selected disabled} $I(on-basic) \
disabled $I(off-basic) \
{pressed selected} $I(on-accent) \
{active selected} $I(on-accent) \
selected $I(on-accent) \
{pressed !selected} $I(off-basic) \
active $I(off-basic) \
] -width 46 -sticky w
# ToggleButton
ttk::style configure Toggle.TButton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center
ttk::style element create ToggleButton.button image \
[list $I(rect-basic) \
{selected disabled} $I(rect-accent-hover) \
disabled $I(rect-basic) \
{pressed selected} $I(rect-basic) \
{active selected} $I(rect-accent) \
selected $I(rect-accent) \
{pressed !selected} $I(rect-accent) \
active $I(rect-basic) \
] -border 4 -sticky ewns
# Radiobutton
ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -padding 4
ttk::style element create Radiobutton.indicator image \
[list $I(outline-basic) \
{alternate disabled} $I(radio-tri-basic) \
{selected disabled} $I(radio-basic) \
disabled $I(outline-basic) \
{pressed alternate} $I(radio-tri-hover) \
{active alternate} $I(radio-tri-hover) \
alternate $I(radio-tri-accent) \
{pressed selected} $I(radio-hover) \
{active selected} $I(radio-hover) \
selected $I(radio-accent) \
{pressed !selected} $I(circle-hover) \
active $I(outline-hover) \
] -width 26 -sticky w
# Scrollbar
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough image $I(hor-basic) \
-sticky ew
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb \
image [list $I(hor-accent) \
disabled $I(hor-basic) \
pressed $I(hor-hover) \
active $I(hor-hover) \
] -sticky ew
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.trough image $I(vert-basic) \
-sticky ns
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb \
image [list $I(vert-accent) \
disabled $I(vert-basic) \
pressed $I(vert-hover) \
active $I(vert-hover) \
] -sticky ns
# Scale
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.trough image $I(scale-hor) \
-border 5 -padding 0
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.slider \
image [list $I(circle-accent) \
disabled $I(circle-basic) \
pressed $I(circle-hover) \
active $I(circle-hover) \
] -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.trough image $I(scale-vert) \
-border 5 -padding 0
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.slider \
image [list $I(circle-accent) \
disabled $I(circle-basic) \
pressed $I(circle-hover) \
active $I(circle-hover) \
] -sticky {}
# Tickscale
ttk::style element create Horizontal.TickScale.trough image $I(scale-hor) \
-border 5 -padding 0
ttk::style element create Horizontal.TickScale.slider \
image [list $I(tick-hor-accent) \
disabled $I(tick-hor-basic) \
pressed $I(tick-hor-hover) \
active $I(tick-hor-hover) \
] -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Vertical.TickScale.trough image $I(scale-vert) \
-border 5 -padding 0
ttk::style element create Vertical.TickScale.slider \
image [list $I(tick-vert-accent) \
disabled $I(tick-vert-basic) \
pressed $I(tick-vert-hover) \
active $I(tick-vert-hover) \
] -sticky {}
# Progressbar
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.trough image $I(hor-basic) \
-sticky ew
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar image $I(hor-accent) \
-sticky ew
ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.trough image $I(vert-basic) \
-sticky ns
ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.pbar image $I(vert-accent) \
-sticky ns
# Entry
ttk::style element create Entry.field \
image [list $I(box-basic) \
{focus hover} $I(box-accent) \
invalid $I(box-invalid) \
disabled $I(box-basic) \
focus $I(box-accent) \
hover $I(box-hover) \
] -border 5 -padding {8} -sticky news
# Combobox
ttk::style map TCombobox -selectbackground [list \
{!focus} $colors(-selectbg) \
{readonly hover} $colors(-selectbg) \
{readonly focus} $colors(-selectbg) \
ttk::style map TCombobox -selectforeground [list \
{!focus} $colors(-selectfg) \
{readonly hover} $colors(-selectfg) \
{readonly focus} $colors(-selectfg) \
ttk::style element create Combobox.field \
image [list $I(box-basic) \
{readonly disabled} $I(rect-basic) \
{readonly pressed} $I(rect-basic) \
{readonly focus hover} $I(button-hover) \
{readonly focus} $I(button-hover) \
{readonly hover} $I(button-hover) \
{focus hover} $I(box-accent) \
readonly $I(rect-basic) \
invalid $I(box-invalid) \
disabled $I(box-basic) \
focus $I(box-accent) \
hover $I(box-hover) \
] -border 5 -padding {8}
ttk::style element create Combobox.button \
image [list $I(combo-button-basic) \
{!readonly focus} $I(combo-button-focus) \
{readonly focus} $I(combo-button-hover) \
{readonly hover} $I(combo-button-hover)
] -border 5 -padding {2 6 6 6}
ttk::style element create Combobox.arrow image $I(down) \
-width 15 -sticky e
# Spinbox
ttk::style element create Spinbox.field \
image [list $I(box-basic) \
invalid $I(box-invalid) \
disabled $I(box-basic) \
focus $I(box-accent) \
hover $I(box-hover) \
] -border 5 -padding {8} -sticky news
ttk::style element create Spinbox.uparrow \
image [list $I(up) \
disabled $I(up) \
pressed $I(up-accent) \
active $I(up-accent) \
] -border 4 -width 15 -sticky e
ttk::style element create Spinbox.downarrow \
image [list $I(down) \
disabled $I(down) \
pressed $I(down-accent) \
active $I(down-accent) \
] -border 4 -width 15 -sticky e
ttk::style element create Spinbox.button \
image [list $I(combo-button-basic) \
{!readonly focus} $I(combo-button-focus) \
{readonly focus} $I(combo-button-hover) \
{readonly hover} $I(combo-button-hover)
] -border 5 -padding {2 6 6 6}
# Sizegrip
ttk::style element create Sizegrip.sizegrip image $I(size) \
-sticky ewns
# Separator
ttk::style element create Horizontal.separator image $I(separator)
ttk::style element create Vertical.separator image $I(separator)
# Card
ttk::style element create Card.field image $I(card) \
-border 10 -padding 4 -sticky news
# Labelframe
ttk::style element create Labelframe.border image $I(card) \
-border 5 -padding 4 -sticky news
# Notebook
ttk::style element create Notebook.client \
image $I(notebook) -border 5
ttk::style element create Notebook.tab \
image [list $I(tab-disabled) \
selected $I(tab-basic) \
active $I(tab-hover) \
] -border 5 -padding {14 4}
# Treeview
ttk::style element create Treeview.field image $I(card) \
-border 5
ttk::style element create Treeheading.cell \
image [list $I(tree-basic) \
pressed $I(tree-pressed)
] -border 5 -padding 4 -sticky ewns
ttk::style element create Treeitem.indicator \
image [list $I(right) \
user2 $I(empty) \
user1 $I(down) \
] -width 26 -sticky {}
ttk::style configure Treeview -background $colors(-bg)
ttk::style configure Treeview.Item -padding {2 0 0 0}
ttk::style map Treeview \
-background [list selected $colors(-selectbg)] \
-foreground [list selected $colors(-selectfg)]
# Panedwindow
# Insane hack to remove clam's ugly sash
ttk::style configure Sash -gripcount 0