- add ttk.Menubutton vor modern Menu and automatic theme and textvariable for color on font in menu
89 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File
89 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright © 2021 rdbende <rdbende@gmail.com>
# inspired by rdbende modified azure to water by Désire Werner Menrath polunga40@unity-mail.de 2024
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] theme light.tcl]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] theme dark.tcl]
option add *tearOff 0
proc set_theme {mode} {
if {$mode == "dark"} {
ttk::style theme use "water-dark"
array set colors {
-fg "#ffffff"
-bg "#333333"
-disabledfg "#ffffff"
-disabledbg "#737373"
-selectfg "#000000"
-selectbg "#00c4ff"
ttk::style configure . \
-background $colors(-bg) \
-foreground $colors(-fg) \
-troughcolor $colors(-bg) \
-focuscolor $colors(-selectbg) \
-selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
-selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
-insertcolor $colors(-fg) \
-insertwidth 1 \
-fieldbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
-font {"Segoe Ui" 10} \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief flat
tk_setPalette background [ttk::style lookup . -background] \
foreground [ttk::style lookup . -foreground] \
highlightColor [ttk::style lookup . -focuscolor] \
selectBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
selectForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground] \
activeBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
activeForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground]
ttk::style map . -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]
option add *font [ttk::style lookup . -font]
option add *Menu.selectcolor $colors(-fg)
} elseif {$mode == "light"} {
ttk::style theme use "water-light"
array set colors {
-fg "#000000"
-bg "#ffffff"
-disabledfg "#737373"
-disabledbg "#ffffff"
-selectfg "#000000"
-selectbg "#00c4ff"
ttk::style configure . \
-background $colors(-bg) \
-foreground $colors(-fg) \
-troughcolor $colors(-bg) \
-focuscolor $colors(-selectbg) \
-selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
-selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
-insertcolor $colors(-fg) \
-insertwidth 1 \
-fieldbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
-font {"Segoe Ui" 10} \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief flat
tk_setPalette background [ttk::style lookup . -background] \
foreground [ttk::style lookup . -foreground] \
highlightColor [ttk::style lookup . -focuscolor] \
selectBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
selectForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground] \
activeBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
activeForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground]
ttk::style map . -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]
option add *font [ttk::style lookup . -font]
option add *Menu.selectcolor $colors(-fg)