punix 00a9436dad add class FileHandle,
add Label to show autoconnect Tunnel
disable checkbox when Listbox is empty or no select Tunnel
2024-09-03 21:27:36 +02:00

313 lines
15 KiB

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<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00003" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00003" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00004" summary="add class Frame and class Massage, delete funktion go 100%, add resize window">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00004" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00004" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00005" summary="add class Frame and class Massage, delete funktion go 100%, add resize window, add warning pic">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00005" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00005" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00006" summary="add class ListTunnels and class ImportTunnel, and add class ExportTunnels (ExportTunnels no finish)">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00006" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00006" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00007" summary="add Label Interface and Peer to new FrameWidget one and two. when import Tunnel then add to list works and remove of list when Tunnel delete.(with Label active on and off) &#10;add to class and methods open a avtive Tunnel when Wire-Py open, when import and start a Tunnel">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00007" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00007" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00008" summary="add file dict_to_address for &#10;address a active Tunnel. Label green pack in Class.&#10;add Class to convert fileoutput as String to Dictionary">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00008" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00008" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00009" summary="add Class StartStopBTN to wg_func.py">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00009" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00009" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00010" summary="Set Style to Clam&#10;Improved layout of widgets">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00010" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00010" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00011" summary="Remove open file function, add Show Address Labels with tk.StrVar when remove a not active Tunnel Labels of Active Tunnel removed!">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00011" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00011" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00012" summary="fixed error when active tunnel is deleted,&#10;now also the Address Label is emptied">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00012" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00012" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00013" summary="In FrameWidged Class else Block StrVar, this resorts reference and variable assignment together">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00013" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00013" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00014" summary="add method init_and_report and label_empty to Class ShowAddress">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00014" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00014" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00015" summary="little fixes in Class Import">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00015" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00015" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00016" summary="fix label when laat Tunnel delete and fix Tuple error in delete and Start/Stop when listbox empty">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00016" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00016" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00017" summary="remove a ',' in DNS Name">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00017" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00017" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00018" summary="fix when Filname &gt; 17 first copy file after rename">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00018" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00018" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00019" summary="add export Tunnel as zip">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00019" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00019" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00020" summary="columnconfigure on all widgets set">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00020" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00020" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<task id="LOCAL-00021" summary="little fixes a &quot; &quot; to ' '">
<option name="closed" value="true" />
<option name="number" value="00021" />
<option name="presentableId" value="LOCAL-00021" />
<option name="project" value="LOCAL" />
<option name="localTasksCounter" value="22" />
<servers />
<component name="Vcs.Log.Tabs.Properties">
<option name="TAB_STATES">
<entry key="MAIN">
<option name="FILTERS">
<entry key="branch">
<option value="origin/wire-py-reformat-14-08-2024" />
<component name="VcsManagerConfiguration">
<option name="ADD_EXTERNAL_FILES_SILENTLY" value="true" />
<MESSAGE value="Tunnel Start and Stop Work" />
<MESSAGE value="wg_import_select in wg_func.py extended" />
<MESSAGE value="add class Frame and class Massage, delete funktion go 100%, add resize window" />
<MESSAGE value="add class Frame and class Massage, delete funktion go 100%, add resize window, add warning pic" />
<MESSAGE value="add class ListTunnels and class ImportTunnel, and add class ExportTunnels (ExportTunnels no finish)" />
<MESSAGE value="add Label Interface and Peer to new FrameWidget one and two. when import Tunnel then add to list works and remove of list when Tunnel delete.(with Label active on and off) &#10;add to class and methods open a avtive Tunnel when Wire-Py open, when import and start a Tunnel" />
<MESSAGE value="add file dict_to_address for &#10;address a active Tunnel. Label green pack in Class.&#10;add Class to convert fileoutput as String to Dictionary" />
<MESSAGE value="add Class StartStopBTN to wg_func.py" />
<MESSAGE value="Set Style to Clam&#10;Improved layout of widgets" />
<MESSAGE value="Remove open file function, add Show Address Labels with tk.StrVar when remove a not active Tunnel Labels of Active Tunnel removed!" />
<MESSAGE value="fixed error when active tunnel is deleted,&#10;now also the Address Label is emptied" />
<MESSAGE value="In FrameWidged Class else Block StrVar, this resorts reference and variable assignment together" />
<MESSAGE value="add method init_and_report and label_empty to Class ShowAddress" />
<MESSAGE value="little fixes in Class Import" />
<MESSAGE value="fix label when laat Tunnel delete and fix Tuple error in delete and Start/Stop when listbox empty" />
<MESSAGE value="remove a ',' in DNS Name" />
<MESSAGE value="fix when Filname &gt; 17 first copy file after rename" />
<MESSAGE value="add export Tunnel as zip" />
<MESSAGE value="columnconfigure on all widgets set" />
<MESSAGE value="little fixes a &quot; &quot; to ' '" />
<option name="LAST_COMMIT_MESSAGE" value="little fixes a &quot; &quot; to ' '" />