punix d1a822fff0 little fixes, add msg_window()
function for Messagebox to show a tk.Toplevel()
replace var = open() with:
with open() as var:
and remove by classes (tk.tk) and super()
2024-09-14 23:25:48 +02:00

35 lines
914 B
Executable File

from pathlib import Path
from getpass import getpass
# for services file in /lib/systemd/system/
config_path = Path.home() / ".config" / "wire_py" / "wg_py"
start_file = f'''\
from subprocess import check_call
path_to_file = {str(config_path)!r}
with open(path_to_file, 'r') as file:
*_, line = file
a_con = line[5:]
check_call(['nmcli', 'connection', 'up', a_con])
if not Path.exists(config_path):
# Prompt the user for the sudo password
#sudo_password = getpass('Enter sudo password: ')
#def cp_files():
# Define the command to run the Python script with sudo
#command = ['sudo', '-S', 'python3', 'script.py']
# Run the command as a subprocess, passing the sudo password
#subprocess.run(command, input=sudo_password.encode(), check=True)